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Image John Lennon and Paul McCartney.
Imagine THE BETALS Imagine your happiness inside you.

I like to host you on my podcast "Leaving a mark on the world" because your world is beautiful, imagine it, see it every second, every minute and hour, every day smile at the world and it will reward you because it is yours.

Who will appear in my episodes and why do they want me so much?

Singers, stage actors, businessmen, friends past, present and future.

Lecturers, scientists and brain researchers.

So that they understand how my brain works, too.

works fast, thinks, invents and executes fast,

Because what is not done now, will go to waste and pity.

Do I have the ability to teach you how to eliminate stage fright,

Before you go on stage, because then you are already at your best.

Why will you suffer, allow me to teach you to live calmly and happily ever after.

My podcast has a long waiting list!

Those with whom I have already done an episode or 2 asked for 1 more.

Ask Ran Levy, the champion who is considered the father of Israel's podcast.

Why is this happening?

Because I know how to give you much more than you expected.

And chapter by chapter I praise myself and surprise myself too.

If you also feel like it, contact us and we will arrange a date.


Imagine all the people
Livin' for today
Imagine all the people
Livin' life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

  • לינק לטוויטר ויטרן
  • לינק לויטרן באינסטגרם
  • לינק לדף הלינקקדאין של רן גרין ויטרן
  • לינק לפייסבוק של ויטרן
  • לערוץ היוטיוב של ויטרן

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