Vitrages and Art in Public Structures
Want to be creative and original?
Architect, developer or head of a public institution
Want to create an ambiance that projects and serves the nature of the site?
Want customers, visitors and employees to merge into your story,
the image you wish to project?
Whether you are a hotel, apartment building, law firm, restaurant,
private clinic, startup company,
prestigious fitness center or spa.
Properly designing your business is just as important as designing your home
since the design is your calling card.
It is supposed to attract customers and create an attractive and professional atmosphere. A creation that creates a sense of serenity and relaxation,
a connection and love for the space, which will increase employee productivity.
Vitrage, the art of glass, introduces colorful light, joie de vivre and illumination. Proper window placement, where there is direct sunlight,
paints the space and renders the vitrage and art/design
a dynamic and constantly chanting art.
The highlight with the best location is the ceiling, the skylight.
Throughout the day, as the sun roams the sky,
the light penetrating the vitrage changes directions and shapes.
It is the best show you can get of all other artworks.
We recommend leaving a halo of transparent glass,
so that the sky provides a perfect framing for the vitrage
and at night, you can see the stars. When properly planned,
even within the vitrage.
For a presentation on the art of glass in English, press here.
Vitrage is an art that conveys strength or tenderness,
but concurrently in shows a strong presence through which you can convey your message.
Yes, vitrage is a commissioned and individual art like no other,
and there will be no other like it.
It is important to position the vitrage where there is visitor traffic.
Both customers and employees will be inspired by the enriched and creative atmosphere.
At Vitran, we make sure to constantly innovate and introduce new techniques:
We opened a department for ceramic printing on glass
that is tempered in the oven.
The process ensures that the paint last forever, does not fade, guaranteed.
Suitable for external applications, structure and business branding.
For a fascinating article on designing offices and public structures, press here