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A kinetic sculpture created from the sea

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At the time of a private and personal tashlik I created

at Zikim Beach,

I collected shells, but mostly stones. 

Stones that have traveled the sea,

sanding and smoothing,

And here is a natural processed stone. What did I get out of this whole collection?

I didn't know, but intuitively, I needed to collect...

In the studio, hands acted on their own to create movement. put the stones together,

There was already a process of creation, and construction step by step.

Luckily for me, I took the photo at Nitzanim Beach, even though I wanted to take pictures with the zikims. because that day

Lightning struck

At the time of the photo, not planned, but I took the opportunity of the young bather to incorporate him, like a puppet on a string.

  • לינק לטוויטר ויטרן
  • לינק לויטרן באינסטגרם
  • לינק לדף הלינקקדאין של רן גרין ויטרן
  • לינק לפייסבוק של ויטרן
  • לערוץ היוטיוב של ויטרן

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