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scientists and technologists

Sign an open letter calling on artificial intelligence development labs around the world to stop its development,

because the problems that may arise with intelligent computers and the danger that such computers will try to take over the world or destroy it,

Especially if someone comes up with the idea of connecting artificial intelligence to weapon systems.The call has indeed gone out in Western countries, but will China and Russia and other totalitarian countries stop their efforts to develop general artificial intelligence? It is clear that authoritarian and power-hungry countries will not stop these efforts, and therefore in the West they should not stop either, similar to the deterrence principle of guaranteed mutual annihilation, as in the days of the Cold War. Are we at the beginning of a new arms race similar to the nuclear arms race, but this time with artificial intelligence? Absolutely possible.

Artificial intelligence today still has plenty of problems.

One of the essential problems of GPT (the learning model behind ChatGPT, it is important to distinguish between the so-called "information hallucinations".artificial intelligence models,

can immediately complete information gaps that exist with them,

And simply invent things that are missing to complete the requested task.

The machines simply find details and facts that do not exist or are incorrect.

The problem is that those who do not have prior knowledge in the field that the artificial intelligence responds to

and can examine her text with a critical eye,

Like high school or undergraduate students - may think these are solid facts,

Because artificial intelligence often produces texts that appear coherent and knowledgeable at a glance,

But on closer examination, it turns out that they are not.Another problem, concerns the identification of objects in images.

In the training process of the created artificial intelligence,

In order to identify cancerous skin tumors well and quickly, strange biases may arise,

That we as humans know how to find out - but artificial intelligence - not.

This is how artificial intelligence has been trained to identify skin tumors and moles that may be cancerous

tended to classify any photo that contained a ruler or measuring tape near the mole as a dangerous mole,

Because her training model has a lot of pictures of cancerous moles,

Contain a measuring tape or ruler, because the size and circumference of the cancerous mole had to be measured.

So you tell me: Will the whole world be able to stop

The totalitarian powers?

Not sure,

We will only know when we reach this bridge.


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