one more book
To describe the beautiful world to a blind child. © Ren Green
Daniel is a five-year-old boy, who was born completely blind.
And what do you say children,
Do you want to help me, describe the beautiful world to Daniel?
Yes, sure, shall we begin?
surely sweet children,
Let's start with the trees and flowers, what do you say?
Yes, of course, in the next chapter already.
Daniel, you know that there are trees that are,
Ever green, and like those that in winter stand upright in the shed.
The leaves fall on the ground, in colors of light brown and varied beige.
And the flowers begin to bloom.
Daffodils, daffodils and hyacinths in many colors.
Red robes, ankles in it
A rose, and a narcissus, in white, with a yellow crown.
And Daniel, even the snails wake up from their sleep.
And the cat of the neighbors above me, whining for milk.
And all kinds of birds wake us up in the morning.
In tweets in different shades.
The crow screams coldly.
And the green parrots just squeal.
And the species are just aggressive,
And the sparrows, these are cute.
And Daniel knows that the grass and the plants,
Covering themselves with the fallen leaves of the trees.
And the green of the grass is a little and gone.
The rain falls in the Negev several times,
And water the trees, flowers and grasses too.
And the sky is gray, because of the clouds,
And the sun is so little that you don't see it.
And you know, Daniel, what do children like to do the most in the winter?
with boots to wallow in puddles.
to splash one on the other,
And especially on the parents.
And now the winter is over for him, and the spring has come.
The trees that were felled are beginning to heart.
And the sun is so pleasant,
It's not hot yet, like in the summer.
the sun rises in the morning,
And the children warm us, and you, Daniel, feel it too.
what are you saying
Yes, I feel comfortable, without having to see her.
And you know, my parents are also fair-skinned.
And how are you doing in life?
learn and practice.
We have two guide dogs, and sticks that help us,
To know what is in front of us in advance.
But the sun is pleasant and caresses the eyes,
which they do not see. The feeling is so pleasant.
And now the spring is over for him and the summer has come.
Very hot, especially in the Negev, where we live.
The morning is still pleasant and a bit cool.
And when the sun rises, and indeed strikes with its horns,
with the strong heat.
It's hard to breathe, and it's hard to go outside.
Or maybe you'll go swimming in the pool?
A very good idea.
The water is pleasant, and we are settling,
And already used to swimming, without seeing.
And the savior watches over us with many eyes.
and the other children who swim,
They don't bother us, they leave us empty paths.
And how do you get out of the blessing?
The savior and the cute children help us.
And when we sit down on the couches of comfort,
and drying with the help of the hot sun.
Yes, sometimes the hot sun is good.
sitting on the easy chairs,
and enjoy the heat of the sun.
But on the way home with the dogs,
It's already very hot, and they hurry to get home.
And so, first we, the children, get into the shower.
What, you can manage on your own?
Yes, we have the sticks that help us manage.
and if a little hard,
We call the parents.
and after we got out of the shower,
Cold tea is waiting for us, which the parents have prepared.
And then the parents get into the shower.
Just like that, they sit at home and play six-by-one.
What, and how do you manage without seeing?
We learned that if you want strong strong,
I can manage without seeing.
So, maybe you too will try to be skinny?
cover your eyes with a black cloth,
And see how you manage.
You know what, we'll try tomorrow.
Because now they are going to play football.
What was, is what will be.
The blind children are learning to get along.
And the normal children, usually play and goof around.
And so, the children's story is over.
Is it true that you taught one or more things?
Yes, we learned that if you want to be strong,
I can manage in any situation.
What, what, what and why, it doesn't matter anymore.