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This morning 1.5 is the Red Flag Day of the Communists

I received an exciting phone call at 8:30.

Everything I could dream for my birthday yesterday came true in a big way.

I am all happiness.

The conversation was from Eren, the owner of

The Israeli Construction Center" in Netanya,

And of the real estate city in Eilat.

This year I upgraded to Zlon Dan,

Because there I will do stand-up for a limited audience.

Furthermore, I got what I asked from Eran on WhatsApp this morning.

To host "Adi Negev Nachalat Eran

A rehabilitation village in the Negev that serves all the residents of the Negev.

The place includes a state-of-the-art rehabilitation center, number 2 in the country.

The village was founded by Doron Almog thanks to his son Eran.

Doron Hayom is the chairman of the Jewish Agency.

And the "House on Wheels" has several branches also in Orim, where I live.

Eran approved my request to host them at his expense, including flights.

At the end of the conversation, Eran surprised me!

You live in Urim right?

Yes I answered.

Good, says Eran

I want to come to your studio

With a group of senior architects.

Wow, thanks Eran.


  • לינק לטוויטר ויטרן
  • לינק לויטרן באינסטגרם
  • לינק לדף הלינקקדאין של רן גרין ויטרן
  • לינק לפייסבוק של ויטרן
  • לערוץ היוטיוב של ויטרן

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