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For months now I have been in contact with Ran Green

 a multidisciplinary artist and a man of Eshkolot who makes days into nights, works, contributes of himself to others and gives, is pleasant and believes that it is important to do anything you want,

the main thing is to do it. It's been a long time since we first met,

but so far we've recorded two podcasts together and I've gotten a lot of value,

motivation and encouragement from him.

He is very special, talented and full of stories and experiences.

You will be impressed by his activity on the website



  • לינק לטוויטר ויטרן
  • לינק לויטרן באינסטגרם
  • לינק לדף הלינקקדאין של רן גרין ויטרן
  • לינק לפייסבוק של ויטרן
  • לערוץ היוטיוב של ויטרן

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